A Systematic Review of Artificial Intelligence (AI) And Impact on Human Resource Management (HRM): Challenges, Risks and Opportunities

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Prof. Saroda Chatterjee
Prof. A Grace Jemima
Dr. Samrat Ray
Mr. Sunil Kumar
Dr. Gaganpreet Ahluwalia


The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in human resource management (HRM) has become progressively more popular in recent years, with the potential to bring about significant changes to the workplace. This study aims to assess the impact of AI on HRM by examining the challenges, risks, and opportunities associated with its implementation. Drawing on a comprehensive literature review, this study provides insights into the current state of AI in HRM and its potential impact on the bureau. The findings of this study suggest that AI has the potential to appreciably improve HRM processes, resulting in increased efficiency, accuracy, and cost savings for organizations. However, the implementation of AI in HRM also poses several challenges and risks, such as data privacy and security concerns, job disarticulation, and reduced employee autonomy. Furthermore, employees may not fully trust AI-based HRM systems to accurately evaluate their performance, which could result in negative attitudes towards the expertise. To successfully implement AI in HRM, organizations need to carefully manage the risks and challenges associated with its implementation, including the development of change management approach and the prioritization of employee engagement and trust. Overall, this study provides insights into the potential impact of AI on HRM and highlights the importance of carefully managing its implementation to maximize its benefits while curtail its risks and challenges.

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